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Sunday, September 20, 2020


Pinterest Facts


Pinterest Marketing Facts

 Pinterest marketing is a social media site. Nowadays millions of people active on Pinterest. There are 70% women and 30% of others. This site is most popular for images. Pinterest began in December 2009 and then users only 10,000 but now millions of people search daily.

Pinterest marketing 05 facts:-

01. Know who uses Pinterest:- Now Pinterest marketing very popular for women there are 70% of women are activated on time. So we target the women person.

02. Join relevant groups:- Joint relevant groups are the most important work for Pinterest marketing but regular joint, not a day. Everyday joins relevant groups and follow there.

03. Pin original image and content:- Image and content must be organic/original not copy-paste or downloaded. Eye-catching images and content are important for Pinterest marketing.

04. Regular minimum of 10 pins create and publish:- Regular pin create another important work to increase Pinterest account. Minimum 10 pins create an account but 10 is not enough more and more pins create are the way to increase more engagement.

05. Researched Hashtags: You want to huge people reach and engage your pin that is hashtags are so important.

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Saturday, September 5, 2020


Digital Marketing


 What reason is digital marketing so Importance?

The following enormous trusts in the best outcomes in business improvement and professional development.

In this day Digital Marketing is powerful marketing for our busy life. Some of Company sell a huge product a day by online marketing. such as Amazon, Alibaba, Daraz, etc. Now we are dependent on internet luxury mobile phones these are the best platform for digital marketing. 

As the web clients over the world have been expanded enormously by year on year and when it thinks about to since 2000-2018 the proportion is expanding step by step. Presently the 50% (half) of the populace around the globe are utilizing the web. What's more, by 2020 the dynamic web clients are crossing 65% of the populace over the world. Every day We are 

The fundamental motivation to build dynamic web clients in the most recent couple of years is because of the high utilization of cell phones, tablets, and other savvy gadgets around the globe. These are helpful and valuable to convey alongside individuals in any place they go. Considering every one of these focuses the web-based marketing is huge and comprehensively open to all the individuals around the globe to interface through various gadgets like (Mobile (Smartphone), Laptop, Desktop, Tablet, Smart TV and so on.) So this is going to help the Digital Marketing industry to extend overall their online market wherever without having any shops in a specific spot.

so, Now we are very busy all time and our time is very short so we are not going to the traditional market, We are going now Digital marketing.

More info here

Thursday, September 3, 2020


Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest Marketing is the best platform for growing your business, website, and online marketing.

     I am a professional social media marketer and a social media manager. I will do Pinterest marketing to your Online Business, Website as a Pinterest Manager. I will do organic growth your business or brand worth that will increase your website sales huge Traffic and targeted customers! Sales and  Rank best on Search Engines. I satisfied that you will get the best quality!


 * I will do Create new unique Boards and Pins or update your existing board

  * I will create a new account.

  * I do Keywords research best for you to get in search engine.

  * Link all the pins to your website 

  * People who are interested in your niche will build followers for you and the best customers.

  * Improvement in Business Awareness.

  * I provided you best price and good quality.


Thank you


Conatct me on:-                                          

facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/anwar.zahid.5686/


E-mail:- rukutelecom@gmail.com

Mobile:- +8801705933500


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